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Урок английского языка в 6 классе.(Enjoy English) What do British people like to eat?
Урок английского языка в 6 классе.(Enjoy English)
What do British people like to eat?
Цель урока: активизация лексических навыков по теме «Продукты», совершенствование навыков устной речи.
Вспомогательная задача: учить правильно вести себя за столом, накрывать правильно стол.

1. Организационный момент

2. Приветствие.
Good afternoon boys and girls! I`m glad to see you . Sit down, please.

3. Цель урока.
Today at the lesson we` ll speak about food, your favorite products ,we`ll revise the phrases " there is, there are " and using of pronouns "some, any, much, many, a lot of, few, little.”

4. Речевая зарядка.
Let`s begin our lesson! First of all let`s recall some words on the topic
"Food”. Now I will read you Russian rhymes and you must finish them in
Вкуснотища! Very Good!
Пищу называем Food
Для Шарика, для друга
Припас я сахар- sugar
Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз
Конфетки по-английски –sweets
Это вовсе не каприз:
Сыр мы называем cheese
Мясо жарится, шкварчит,
Мясо по- английски meat
Рыбу ловишь- не шумишь,
Рыба по- английски fish
Молоко я пить привык
Молоко иначе milk
Вини-Пуха нет ли с вами
А- то спрячу мед свой- honey
Масло нужно всем ребятам
Масло по-английски butter
На кухне- повар,
В рубке- мичман,
Мы кухню называем kitchen.

5. Кроссворд
Solve the puzzle.
I see you know the pronunciation of these words . Now let`s check your knowledge in writing. Come to the blackboard and join the parts to make 8 words.




6. Конкурс стихов.
The competition of poems.
Great! We have just recalled the pronunciation and writing words on the topic " Food”. But do you know any poems about food? ( Учащиеся рассказывают выученные стихи о еде).

7. Работа с дидактическими карточками.
Let`s revise these pronouns once more in small dialogues. Try to translate these questions and sentences from Russian into English.

P1 В холодильнике есть сколько-нибудь мяса?
P2 Да. В холодильнике есть немного мяса.

Р1 У вас много времени?
Р2 Нет. У меня очень мало времени.

Р1 Сколько масла в торте?
Р2 В торте мало масла.

Р1 Сколько у тебя друзей?
Р2 У меня много друзей.

Р1 В тележке есть сколько-нибудь яблок?
Р2 Нет. В тележке нет яблок.

Р1 Сколько карандашей у тебя?
Р2 У меня мало карандашей.

Р1 У тебя есть какие- нибудь английские книги?
Р2 Да. У меня есть несколько книг.

8. Исполнение песни « The seasons»
Well, do you know a song with pronouns ? Let`s sing it.

Winter doesn’t bring much cold,
Autumn doesn`t bring much gold
Summer doesn`t bring much sun
Birthday doesn`t bring much fun.

Winter brings a lot of cold,
Autumn brings a lot of gold,
Summer brings a lot of sun,
Birthday brings a lot of fun.

9. Аудирование. « Betsey in the shop ».
Listen to the text, find the mistakes and correct them.

Well, pupils, do you know the difference between the pronouns-much, many and a lot of ? When do we use them? Now, listen to my story and find some mistakes.
Betsey likes to go shopping. She always buys much vegetables, because she likes to make salads. Bat Betsey doesn’t buy some sausages, because they are expensive. Her family likes to eat fruits, that’s why she often buys mush apples, bananas, and oranges. Her husband prefers to eat cakes and she buys them for him. Bat Betsey loves sweets best of all and she buys always very mach sweets. Have you found and mistakes? Correct these sentences.

10. Диалог в овощном магазине. " At the grocery”
Let’s listen to the dialogue " At the grocery” (учащиеся рассказывают диалог у доски.)

Mrs. Smith " Good afternoon Mrs. Smith.
Seller " Good afternoon Mrs. Smith.
What would you like?”
Mrs. Smith " I am looking for carrots. Have you got any?”
Seller " Yes, I have. How many would you like?”
Mrs. Smith " I want two pounds, please.
Seller " Here you are.”
Mrs. Smith " Thank you.
Seller " Do you need anything else?”
Mrs. Smith " Yes, I’d like a pound of apples, and some bananas.
How much is that?”
Seller " 5 pounds, please.
Mrs. Smith " Thanks a lot”

11. Беседа о любимых блюдах.
Let’s speak about your favorite dishes.
Answer my questions.
Are you a good eater?
What do you usually eat, when you are hungry?
What do you usually drink, when you are thirty?
What does you mother cook you for breakfast, for dinner, for supper?
What food do you like best of all?

12. Выступление учащегося о своем любимом блюде.
Today at the lesson I invited a guest from Moscow. This is a famous singer Andrew Macarevich and his program " Smack”.

" Good afternoon dear friends! Today I’ll show you my favorite dish. It is the fish with vegetables. For it you must take fish, cut tomatoes, 2 onions, carrots, 1 pepper and an egg-plant. Then add salt, ketchup and mix everything. Put your pot on the cooker for 30 minutes and your fish will be ready.
For desert you can make toasts with a corn.
Have a good appetite!”
( после выступления А. Макаревич поет песню " I cook the fish for you my dear”на мотив песни «Я пью за тех»)

I cook the fish for you my dear
With fruits and vegetables
With ketchup, pepper and salt,
And I’ll be glad to cook
For you with pleasure,
You will be an eater,
And happy and healthy,
And dish you will find it.

13. Манеры поведения ( Tables Manners)
You should sit up straight.
You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table.
You should put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate.
You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
You shouldn’t lick your fingers.
You should say " Thank you " after the meal.

14. Стихотворение " Take your elbows off the table”

15. Изучение пословицы " An apple a day keeps a doctor away.”

16. Выставление оценок и домашнее задание.
Категория: Уроки и презентации | Добавил: Админ (03.12.2011)
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