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Оценка комфортности образовательной среды школы

участниками образовательного процесса

Проекты и разработки | Просмотров: 4280 | Добавил: сумрак | Дата: 11.04.2013 | Комментарии (0)

Родительское собрание: "Причины агрессивности школьников. Как избежать вспышек агрессии"

Проекты и разработки | Просмотров: 2138 | Добавил: Админ | Дата: 15.02.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

November 5th marks the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament and King James I in 1605, the day set for the king to open Parliament. The anniversary was named after Guy Fawkes, the most famous of the conspirators.

More information about: Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes was born in April 1570 in York. Although his immediate family were all Protestants, in keeping with the accepted religious practice in England at the time, his maternal grandparents were 'recusant' Catholics, who refused to attend Protestant services. When Guy was eight, his father died and his widowed mother married a Catholic, Dionis Baynbrigge. It was these early influences that were to forge Fawkes' convictions as an adult.

Fawkes and Spain

By the time he was 21 he had sold the estate his father had left him and gone to Europe to fight for Catholic Spain against the Protestant Dutch republic in the Eighty Years War. His military career went well and by 1603 he had been recommended for a captaincy. He had also adopted the Italian variant of his name, becoming known as 'Guido'.

In the same year, he travelled to Spain to petition the king, Philip III, for support in fomenting a rebellion in England against the "heretic" James I. Despite the fact that Spain and Britain were still, technically, at war, Philip refused.

"A man highly skilled in matters of war"

Personally, Fawkes was an imposing man. His former school friend Oswald Tesimond, who had become a Jesuit Catholic priest, described him as "pleasant of approach and cheerful of manner, opposed to quarrels and strife ... loyal to his friends".

Tesimond also claimed Fawkes was "a man highly skilled in matters of war", while the historian Antonia Fraser described him as "a tall, powerfully built man, with thick reddish-brown hair, a flowing moustache in the tradition of the time, and a bushy reddish-brown beard... a man of action ... capable of intelligent argument as well as physical endurance, somewhat to the surprise of his enemies."

Fawkes is drawn into the plot

It was while on campaign fighting for Spain in Flanders that Fawkes was approached by Thomas Wintour, one of the plotters, and asked to join what would become known as the Gunpowder Plot, under the leadership of Robert Catesby.

His expertise with gunpowder gave him a key - and very perilous - role in the conspiracy, to source and ignite the explosive. But 18 months of careful planning was foiled with just hours to go, when he was arrested at midnight on 4 November 1605 beneath the House of Lords. Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder were found stacked in the cellar directly below where the king would have been sitting for the opening of parliament the next day.

The foiling of the plot had been expertly engineered by James I's spymaster, Robert Cecil. Fawkes was subjected to various tortures, including the rack. Torture was technically illegal, and James I was personally required to give a licence for Fawkes to endure its ravages.
While just the threat of torture was enough to break the resolve of many, Fawkes withstood two days of the most terrible pain before he confessed all. Famously, his signature on his confession was that of a shattered and broken man, the ill-formed letters telling the story of a someone who was barely able to hold a quill. His fortitude throughout had impressed James I, who said he admired Fawkes' "Roman resolution".

Fawkes was sentenced to the traditional traitors' death - to be 'hanged, drawn and quartered'. In the event, he jumped from the gallows, breaking his own neck and thereby avoiding the horror of being cut down while still alive, having his testicles cut off and his stomach opened and his guts spilled before his eyes. His lifeless body was hacked into quarters and his remains sent to "the four corners of the kingdom" as a warning to others.

The burning of the 'guy'

Guy Fawkes instantly became a national bogeyman and the embodiment of Catholic extremism. It was a propaganda coup for the Protestant English and served as a pretext for further repression of Catholics that would not be completely lifted for another 200 years.

It is perhaps surprising that Fawkes and not the charismatic ring-leader Robert Catesby is remembered, but it was Fawkes who was caught red-handed under the Houses of Parliament, Fawkes who refused to speak under torture, and Fawkes who was publicly executed. Catesby, by contrast, was killed evading capture and was never tried.

Through the centuries the Guy Fawkes legend has become ever-more entrenched, and by the 19th Century it was his effigy that was being placed on the bonfires that were lit annually to commemorate the failure of the plot.
Проекты и разработки | Просмотров: 831 | Добавил: Админ | Дата: 11.02.2012 | Комментарии (0)

           Актуальность исследования. В последние годы все более широкое распространение в практике обучения, в том числе и в обучении иностранным языкам находит метод проектов. Он трактуется методистами и учителями по-разному. Мы придерживаемся следующего определения данного метода: «Метод проектов предполагает определенную совокупность учебно-познавательных приемов, которые позволяют решить ту или иную проблему в результате самостоятельных действий учащихся с обязательной презентацией этих результатов. Если говорить о методе проектов как о педагогической технологии, то эта технология предполагает совокупность исследовательских, поисковых, проблемных методов, творческих по самой своей сути (Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования, 2000, с. 67).

        Популярность метода проектов обусловлена тем, что в силу своей дидактической сущности он позволяет решать задачи развития творческих возможностей учащихся, умений самостоятельно конструировать свои знания и применять их для решения познавательных и практических задач, ориентироваться в информационном пространстве, анализировать полученную информацию, поскольку в разные моменты познавательной, экспериментальной или прикладной, творческой деятельности учащиеся используют совокупность всех перечисленных интеллектуальных навыков и умений.

Проекты и разработки | Просмотров: 1819 | Добавил: Админ | Дата: 25.01.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Лексико - грамматические контрольные работы к УМК "Enjoy English"
  М.З.Биболетовой для 5-7 классов. 


Проекты и разработки | Просмотров: 6694 | Добавил: Админ | Дата: 03.12.2011 | Комментарии (0)